Melkinenses virtuais e outros que tais!

sexta-feira, setembro 28

Life is a miracle

When you think there is no longer a solution that nothing is working and that you are better off giving up .... MIRACLE!! the sun shines, there is a blue, blue sky, you get a smile from the other side of the room, kind words from a distant part of the world, a handshake and... you are suddenly a WARRIOR, 10 feet tall staring straight at the light at the end of the tunel!

No, we did not win the lottery - we are just feeling stronger . That's all.

imagem: Esperanza, de Gracinda Candeias

3 comentários:

Lia Ferreira disse...


estamos todos a torcer por vós!

Psantos disse...

Estrangeiro assim eu percebo.
E traduzo!

Van Dog disse...

Mmmm.... cheira-me a boa notícia!...